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Dukes County Massachusetts Court Records

Are Court Records Public in Dukes County, Massachusetts?

Yes, court records are public in Dukes County, Massachusetts. According to the public record act, court records are considered public information and can be accessed by any member of the public. This ensures transparency and accountability in the legal system, allowing individuals to obtain important information about court cases, legal proceedings, and judgments.

The public record act in Dukes County, Massachusetts recognizes the importance of open access to court records. By making these records available to the public, it promotes fairness and equal treatment under the law. It allows individuals to exercise their right to access information and stay informed about legal matters that may affect them or their community.

Public access to court records also serves as a safeguard against potential abuses of power. It allows the public to scrutinize the actions of the court system, ensuring that it operates in a fair and impartial manner. This transparency helps maintain public trust and confidence in the judicial process.

How to Find Court Records in Dukes County, Massachusetts in 2024

To obtain court records in Dukes County, Massachusetts in 2024, there are several avenues available. One option is to visit the Dukes County Probate and Family Court, which is responsible for maintaining and providing access to court records. The court's physical address is Dukes County Probate and Family Court, 81 Main Street, Edgartown, MA 02539. You can contact the court directly at (508) 627-4703 for more information.

Additionally, you can search for court records online through the Massachusetts Trial Court's website. The website offers a search tool that allows you to access court dockets, calendars, and case information. You can find this tool at Massachusetts Court Dockets, Calendars, and Case Information.

It is important to note that not all court records may be available online. Some records may only be accessible in person at the courthouse. In such cases, you may need to visit the Dukes County Probate and Family Court during their operating hours to obtain the desired court records.

Courts in Dukes County, Massachusetts

  • Dukes County Probate and Family Court: 81 Main Street, Edgartown, MA 02539, Phone: (508) 627-4703

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